In the attached pages you will find information about Joseph and his family and background to the establishment of the Trust.
As a supporter of the Trust you will find details about how you can make a personal donation which is tax deductible.

As a person with a disability and is an NDIS participant, family member or worker who represents a person with a disability, you can find all of the information and documents needed to make an application to the Fund.
The aim of the Trust is to assist people of all ages, with a physical and or multiple disabilities, by meeting the cost of providing equipment associated with enhancing daily living, independence and quality of life. The Trust also provides an opportunity for individuals with a disability and their families to apply for a grant of up to $2,500 to enjoy a holiday.
In the years of the Joseph Seridis Trust Fund being in operation, over 150 families have been provided a grant.
The founders of the Trust are the parents of Joseph Seridis. The Trust Fund has been created in honour of Joseph, who died after a short illness in January 2002. Joseph was a much loved and well-respected member of the Gawler Lifestyles Explorers Group, then a programme of UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide, now Uniting Communities. Joseph was a regular group member for many years and the Seridis Family have set up the Trust Fund in acknowledgement of the Group’s support of him.
The aim of the Trust is to assist people of all ages, with a physical and or multiple disabilities, by meeting the cost of providing equipment associated with enhancing daily living, independence and their quality of life. The Trust also provides grants up to $2,500 to enjoy a holiday.
Current Trustees are, Jim Seridis, Kerrie Kromer, Graham Loveday, Marisa Kazonis and Tracey Docherty.